At Kings International Missions, we support the following causes:
Health screening and medical support

Health screening and medical support

At Kings International Missions, we offer free health screening to deprived communities. Your generous donation will assist us to purchase medical equipment such as thermometers, blood pressure monitors, walkers and toiletries

We feed the hungry

We feed the hungry

At Kings International Mission, we are dedicated to providing families and the community as whole with food items. By drawing on varied resources within public agencies and the private sector, we hope to provide hunger relief for those in need.

We encourage girl child education

We encourage girl child education

Girls child education  is still of huge concern in Africa. The latest figures from UNESCO (2019) show that 52 million girls are not in school in Africa, while 4 million will never step into a classroom.

Provision of supplies

Provision of supplies

We aim at supplying amenities such as clothes, shoes, bags, toys and food provisions to households and the community as whole in the regions of Africa and beyond.

We help with clothes and amenities

We help with clothes and amenities

Your gift to KIMC delivers essentials like brand-new clothing, blankets, personal care items in the regions of Africa and beyond. Thanks to your donations, many lives will be impacted.

Helping Single mothers and pregnant mothers

Helping Single mothers and pregnant mothers

KIMC will assist single and pregnant mothers with basic supportive resources, such as children’s clothing, diapers, food and make referrals to appropriate programs as needed; as well as provide educational and basic vocational skills.