Kings International Missions Corporation

Growing up with my grandmother in a small town in the Island of Jamaica, I’ve always watched my beloved grandmother serve the people of our community with food, clothing, finances and whatever their needs were with great love and compassion. My grandmother had always made enough food; just in case someone stops by our home, so that she could have the opportunity to share; even though she had countless grandchildren who depended on her for support.
During the holidays and school vacations, I would visit my young parents in the city. My parents had nine children. However, I noticed they were always giving and sharing with their neighbors and other families. My mother had always breastfeed other babies, whose mothers were not able to produce enough milk to feed them.
Growing up as an adolescent in the United States, the model of serving others in our community, homes and churches did not diminish. Our homes were always filled with children and families because of the joy and comfort they found. The impact of servitude from my parents has certainly humbled me and impacted my vision for KIMC.
Needless to say, I soon found myself as a child always sharing and helping to meet the needs of people in disparities.  As I grew, my passion grew stronger to serve others. I knew I was called to serve the less fortunate, so I obtained my master’s degree in social work with the hopes to carry out this great passion. Yes, I continued to serve in ministerial and secular roles. However, it was after a 3- week mission trip to Dominican Republic (DR) that my entire life changed. Something shifted for me in terms of my values, my goals, and my dreams. While in DR, I clearly heard the Lord speak in my heart “Serve My People With Love.” Not long after I returned from DR, I had a vision of me traveling to other countries with lots of suitcases. In the vision, a voice very clearly said to me , “Am going to allow you to go to my people” I had several confirmation after that vision. Therefore, I knew what I had to do. Although I was already serving, I knew I had to begin to serve in a greater dimension.  As I seek advice from Spiritual leaders, Professionals, friends, and families, I was advised to become a Pastor, Evangelist, or a Teacher, because of the gifts they saw in me. As I quietly sought God’s directions, he made the vision clear, and I wrote it. He gave me the name "Kings International Missions" which will go beyond just preaching, teaching, or evangelizing. Rev. 1: 6 “And hath made us kings and priests unto God and his Father; to him be glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen”.

KIMC was born to extend the hands of God to expand the gift of Sharing, Caring and to execute the Love of God to his people. We will give people with disparities, a hope and a better future, restoration and an opportunity for growth and fulfillment through the love of Christ.
President (CEO)

Juliet Edwards

President & Founder